Midvale City 2021
Mayor and City Council Elections

We wanted the people in Midvale City to get to know Wayne Sharp better and so we asked him some questions. Below are the questions and his responses.


As the elections get closer, we know it’s hard to reach out to everyone in Midvale and to discuss everything that’s on their minds. To help the residents of Midvale get to know you better we would like to ask you some questions about things that have been on the residents minds and we’ll be posting the answers on several Facebook pages that the residents use and on the LivingInMidvale.com website. Many candidates like to give the “canned” responses with quick and general answers, but we would like to hear how you really feel about the issues and how you plan to approach them.

Over the years there have been a lot of high density housing built. What is your feeling about this construction?
High density housing is the result of the exploding population, home cost increases, fewer people wanting or having time to maintain a yard. This is happening all across the country, not just specific to Midvale. Most of us don’t like the traffic that comes with it, we are concerned with the water issues, and the higher amount of domestic issues when people are living closer together. There are thousands of new great people that have moved into Midvale in the past 10 years who are shopping here which increases sales tax revenue which helps to keep property taxes lower. Most of these new move ins have only increased the positive image of Midvale.

What plans do you have to help create green spaces in Midvale to offset all the high density housing and large business buildings that are currently being built?
I think the existing green space requirements are adequate but due to drought conditions we should encourage more xeriscaping. More green space along road sides and pocket parks are nice but very costly to install and maintain. No one wants to raise taxes to pay for these amenities. If the residents in certain areas were willing to create special districts to pay for pocket parks in their neighborhoods I would support that.

With all the development in Midvale, a lot of the buildings and places in the city that reminded us of our history have started to disappear. What can be done to help preserve the rich history of Midvale?
Continue to support the revitalizing of Main St. FYI, 1. There is an old log cabin that was moved and preserved when they built the Boys and Girls club that most people don’t know about. It is located where an old unmarked cemetery was located in the Founders Point neighborhood. 2. Another point of interest most people don’t know about is the old bell that was saved and placed on the north west corner of the old, old, old City Hall and there is a time capsule under it. I would like to see the bell and capsule moved to inside the existing City Hall. 3. I saved part of the Juniper tree from the old City Hall and made a bench that is on display at the existing City Hall. 4. A wall built around the electrical sub station behind Mr Mac has a plaque on it reminding us of the Old Union Fort that used to be there to protect the people. 5. There is a small monument on the Shane Co property north east corner reminding us of the Pony Express that had a stop in the Midvale area along State St. 6. I donated a section of an old Midvale water line from the early 1900s, it is made of wood and wrapped with wire. Many things have been done to preserve our history. I would be open for other suggestions.

The Midvale Museum has a new home, what are your plans to help promote the museum and give it the funding it needs to be a place where people can go to learn about our heritage and take pride in our city.
The hours and location could be posted in the Journal, city website, and on social media. I am not willing to raise taxes to give more funding to the museum. It was rarely visited in the old location on Main St where a lot of money was spent, which was very sad because there are a lot of interesting things there. I don’t think more funding will make it more visited. Those who are interested like myself will go there to look at stuff regardless.

How have you already been involved in serving Midvale and its residents, if so, what have you done?
I served on the Beautification committee, Midvale City Council, Mosquito abatement board, Redevelopment Agency, Municipal Building Authority board, alternate member to Trans Jordan Landfill board, alternate member Unified Police board. Donated several chainsaw carvings for citizens to enjoy at the Police station, Fire station, Skate park, City park, Jordan River trail, City Hall, old Midvale Elementary. Served thousands of Midvale residents with my landscape maintenance business here in Midvale since 1979.

What do you have planned to help give Midvale a better image?
Midvale is a great place, people are moving here from all over the valley, and country. Of course there are some negative issues which all cities deal with. It is sad some people seem to focus on the negative and forget the positive. We need to try to solve the problems but not forget to talk about the positives.

Many people in Midvale would like to see events come back to the city like blocking off Main Street for activities like festivals, dances, social events, etc. What ideas do you have that can help bring back the old “small town” feel that Midvale once had?
Keep in mind Midvale is no longer a small town. Shutting down Main St. temporarily for activities is a good idea. The “small town feeling” will happen for those who choose to get out and get involved in the activities like Main St, Harvest Days, Block parties, Friday night concerts in the park, Jordan River trail, Frisbee in the park, Museum, activities in the old City Hall put on by the Arts council. Go on walks in your neighborhood and meet some of your neighbors.

What can we do to make Midvale more of a destination location?
Midvale is a world famous destination location for skiing. Keep the city as clean, tidy, and safe as possible will help. That is one of the secrets to Disneyland and it has worked for them.

If you had a friend or relative visiting, what would be your favorite place to take them to in Midvale and why?
Topgolf, Jordan River trail, Joe Morleys BBQ which I am very sad to say is no longer, MoBetta, R&R BBQ, Bohemian brewery, Overstock coliseum, skate park.

What ideas do you have to help bring art to Midvale’s Main Street and surrounding areas?
As a chainsaw carver and sculptor I have carved many pieces throughout Midvale with hopes of giving Midvale some notoriety and a fun place to look for carved bears and other items. Lets get other local artists involved if possible.

What “out of the box” ideas do you have for Midvale that can help make it a unique place for people to come and help boost our economy and not just be another city in Utah?
As a chainsaw carver and sculptor I have carved many pieces throughout Midvale with hopes of giving Midvale some notoriety and a fun place to look for carved bears and other items. Lets get other local artists involved if possible.

Describe, with specific examples, how you would expand and diversify Midvale’s economy.
This question, like many other questions, I am open to suggestions.

How important are parks and trails to the city of Midvale?
A lot of people like myself enjoy the parks and trails but there are a lot of citizens that will never visit them no matter how nice they are or how many we have.

What can we do to improve the city’s environment and parks?
The employees can only do so much. We all need to pitch in to keep them clean and safe. Keep the bathrooms clean. If you see anyone vandalizing them please report it.

Is the city too involved in what people can do with their homes/property? Why or why not?
As far as street appearance is concerned the city needs to enforce the codes. Too many property owners don’t take care of their property and it makes the neighborhoods look and feel run down which adds to the negative image and upsets those who do keep up their yards. As far as inside and the back yard, as long as it doesn’t cause a nuisance, noise, smell, fire, or health hazard then the city should stay out.

Recently Midvale’s code enforcement has been a hot topic because they won’t respond to the residents emails and calls and when they do, the residents are treated rudely and many of the residents have been issued violations for items that aren’t violations or that code enforcement won’t help them understand what the actual violation is. What do you have planned to help the residents in Midvale feel like they are listened to and not being attacked by code enforcement.
We need 2 code enforcement officers who know what they are doing and will do as instructed by the city council.

How can the city help strengthen neighborhoods and build the community?
Neighborhood Watch instated where possible. Citizens build the community more than the city, get involved, walk around your neighborhood and meet your neighbors.

What can be done to create more opportunities for our youth to serve in Midvale?
Good question especially now that there are less young men looking for Eagle scout projects. Open for suggestions.

How do you plan to get better feedback from the residents in Midvale City?
Most City meetings are open door and a lot have public comment period. The council emails are on the website. I think all the council members including myself if elected accept emails, texts, or phone calls and are responsive. I have no intention of forcing anyone to be involved.

Do you feel that community gardens are good for Midvale?
I’ve seen successful gardens and disasters. They can be awesome community building tools if they have responsible people involved.

If you don’t win the election, what do you plan on doing to help improve Midvale?
I will keep carving sculptures in and for the city. I will help keep it clean, walk the neighborhood and meet my neighbors, and speak positively about my city.

What would you do to make Midvale a safer place to live?
Encourage people to participate in the UPD SafeCam program, encourage motion sensitive door bell cameras. Support and fund the Police dept. Encourage neighborhood watch where possible.

What are some of the issues in your district and what do you have planned to help resolve them?
A. Property tax. Expect each city department to be accountable for their spending. Encourage all to shop locally to keep sales tax in Midvale to help offset property tax.
B. Water. Propose ways to eliminate grass in the curb strips. There is a lot of water wasted trying to water that grass.
C. Street parking. Look at No Parking on one side of the trouble areas. Enforce No Parking within 30’ of a corner.
D. Speeding. Issue more tickets. The digital speed signs help in some areas but tickets work the best.

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