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Midvale City 2021
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We wanted the people in Midvale City to get to know Dustin Gettel better and so we asked him some questions. Below are the questions and his responses.
Councilman Gettel,
As the elections get closer, we know its hard to reach out to everyone in Midvale and to discuss everything thats on their minds. To help the residents of Midvale get to know you better we would like to ask you some questions about things that have been on the residents minds and well be posting the answers on several Facebook pages that the residents use and on the LivingInMidvale.com website. Many candidates like to give the canned responses with quick and general answers, but we would like to hear how you really feel about the issues and how you plan to approach them.
Over the years there have been a lot of high-density housing built. What
is your feeling about this construction?
Midvale is a 6-square mile city that is more densely
populated than any other city in Salt Lake County. We are often told that
the population is going to continue to increase across the state and that
we need to be prepared by increasing our number of housing units. Thats
great advice for cities like Draper, Sandy, and Riverton that have vast
expanses of land on which higher density housing communities can more
easily be developed. Everyone deserves to have a place to live, and we
need to welcome everyone who lives here or wants to live here, but we
also have to realize that open space for additional high-density development
in Midvale City is extremely limited.
What plans do you have to help create green spaces in Midvale to offset
all the high-density housing and large business buildings that are currently
being built?
I will continue to support green space requirements
for all new commercial and residential developments in Midvale. We need
to make sure that green space is not only required but the type of green
space that we allow through our city code is usable green space for the
entire community and not just a select few.
With all the development in Midvale, a lot of the buildings and places
in the city that reminded us of our history have started to disappear.
What can be done to help preserve the rich history of Midvale?
I am absolutely committed to maintaining the history
and integrity of our citys most historic buildings, parks, and other
landmarks. Main Street, which is located in the heart of my council district,
is a great example of a redevelopment area that will protect our citys
rich history by utilizing as many of the existing buildings as possible
while ensuring that any new construction has matching or complimentary
design elements.
The Midvale Museum has a new home, what are your plans to help promote
the museum and give it the funding it needs to be a place where people
can go to learn about our heritage and take pride in our city.
The Midvale Museum is one of the most hidden gems
in our city. In its new location at the City Park, there will be more
eyes and foot traffic by the museum than ever before. We need to do a
better job as a city of promoting the museum through targeted social media
posts and by assisting the museum itself in having a more prominent social
media presence.
How have you already been involved in serving Midvale and its residents,
if so, what have you done?
I currently serve as the city councilmember for
District 5 having won the seat in 2017. I have served on the Midvale Community
Council, the Harvest Days Committee, and the Cinco de Mayo Committee.
I am currently the city liaison to the Boys & Girls Club, the city
liaison to the Midvale Museum, and I represent Midvales interests
on a few state and local committees such as the Jordan River Commission,
the Association of Municipal Councils, and the Salt Lake County Clean
Air Committee. I have also been active in bringing a Healthy Midvale
committee to the city, a citizen-led redistricting committee, reforming
the Beautification Committee, and I referee high school and junior high
boys and girls basketball.
What do you have planned to help give Midvale a better image?
I have long advocated a strong social media presence
for the city and its elected officials so that we can highlight the good
that happens here rather than focus on negative news headlines. Revitalizing
Main Street will go a long way to show our neighboring cities that Midvale
is back and isnt just a place to drive through to the freeway.
Many people in Midvale would like to see events come back to the city
like blocking off Main Street for activities like festivals, dances, social
events, etc. What ideas do you have that can help bring back the
old small town feel that Midvale once had?
I want to restart our citys tradition of having
a tree-lighting ceremony, a Christmas Market, carolers, and Santa this
holiday season. Events like these give our residents something to do close
to home instead of driving everywhere else in Salt Lake County to experience
holiday celebrations, car shows, sporting events, arts festivals etc.
What can we do to make Midvale more of a destination location?
Very simply, we need to bring more events to Main
Street, State Street, Ft. Union, and Bingham Junction. We have a few excellent
restaurants in Midvale, but we need to give people something to do in
Midvale before and after theyve eaten. Lets have dinner
at ____ and then go check out the ____ is the conversation we want
more people to have when they think about Midvale.
If you had a friend or relative visiting, what would be your favorite
place to take them to in Midvale and why?
First, I take them to Chabaar Thai on State Street
because their food is delicious. I normally take them to Main Street to
show them some of the history over there, but another hidden gem is the
historic Drown Log Cabin located at Founders Point off Holden and
Center Streets.
What ideas do you have to help bring art to Midvales Main Street
and surrounding areas?
Again, our Main Street at Ft. Union areas are prime
locations to have a dedicated arts district, galleries, and art-themed
events. We have plans to bring an amateur art gallery to Main Street in
the old Midvale Museum building that would bring local artists together
in a unique space to showcase their talents. I am also a huge proponent
of our citys mural program, and a few of these murals will be finished
this year.
What out of the box ideas do you have for Midvale that
can help make it a unique place for people to come and help boost our
economy and not just be another city in Utah?
Midvale is an entirely unique city within Salt Lake
County. We need to do more to celebrate this history and pay homage to
our long-time residents and those who lived here before us. I would like
to see less geographical divisions in the city (no more east vs. west
mentality) and truly open the city to all residents. A united city is
the best way to attract businesses and people to frequent those business
once they come here. One way to reestablish this sense of camaraderie
is to have more community events across the city such as the Christmas
Market and tree-lighting ceremony on Main Street that I am working to
make a reality.
Describe, with specific examples, how you would expand and diversify
Midvales economy.
Interestingly, Midvale has an extremely diverse
economy already, and thats why the economic perils that other cities
experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic werent as intense here.
The pandemic also taught us that they way we conduct business in Midvale
and across the state can be very different, more employee friendly, and
not result in massive loss of profits. We need to first have the infrastructure
(water, sewer, roads, UTOPIA) in place if were to continue attracting
the modern manufacturing, tech, and service industry jobs of the 21st
How important are parks and trails to the city of Midvale?
Extremely important. As our city representative
on the Jordan River Commission, I often talk about the absolute treasure
of a trail system that we have here in Midvale that connects Bountiful
to Saratoga Springs and every imaginable place in between. Theres
been a noticeable increase in pedestrian and bicycle traffic on the JRT
in the four years that Ive been in office, and I want to make sure
we keep the trail as open and as accessible as possible.
Our park system is equally as important.
Weve added additional amenities to our City Park in recent years
including a new community center, a new gazebo gathering area, a splash
pad, and a very popular frisbee golf course. We added public art to the
Bingham Junction Park, and the very early plans are to have some sort
of a community garden (hopefully) at Union Park on 7th East.
What can we do to improve the citys environment and parks?
Environmentally, the best way to leave a smaller
footprint for those who will come after us is to drive less, carpool as
much as possible on bad air days, take fewer trips when you can, and be
good stewards of the environment by cutting down on water usage and non-recyclable
product consumption.
Improving the citys parks requires
the attention and cooperation of everyone. Take pride in your city by
picking up your trash before you leave the park, report any vandalism
or graffiti that you see (and preferably stop doing both), and pick up
after your dogs when they inevitably do what all dogs do at the park.
Is the city too involved in what people can do with their homes/property?
Why or why not?
In some ways, yes, and in some ways no. Part of
the human experience is not wanting other people to come onto our property
and tell us what we can and cant do. Sometimes its for the
better such as the exotic animal warehouse that had venomous snakes, alligators,
lizards, and spiders near a residential neighborhood. Thats probably
a good example of the city getting involved in order to prevent a bigger
problem down the road. On the other hand, the previous city council banned
a resident from having a Halloween fun house, which I think was a huge
governmental overreach. I always try to take a balanced approach to these
concerns, listen to residents when they have concerns, and help facilitate
a positive outcome for both sides.
Recently Midvales code enforcement has been a hot topic because
they wont respond to the residents emails and calls and when they
do, the residents are treated rudely and many of the residents have been
issued violations for items that arent violations or that code enforcement
wont help them understand what the actual violation is. What
do you have planned to help the residents in Midvale feel like they are
listened to and not being attacked by code enforcement.
As a current city councilmember actively dealing
with and discussing some of these issues and ways to improve our code
enforcement process, I must speak in general terms since its an
issue that might very well come before the council. Yes, I think we have
issues that need to be addressed immediately, and yes, we can do a better
job explaining the violations and remedies to our residents in a way that
doesnt sound like were going to start putting people in jail.
Code enforcement isnt always the nicest or most pleasant job in
the world, but if we show more mutual respect and understanding to each
other, I think wed see far less complaints throughout the city.
How can the city help strengthen neighborhoods and build the community?
Simply stated, we need to provide more opportunities
for neighborhoods and communities to get outside and spend time together.
Weve started to sponsor events like the Main Street Car Show, the
upcoming Halloween festival, the Christmas Market and tree-lighting ceremony
in December, and of course the weeklong Harvest Days festival in August.
I would like to see more of these events, the return of Cinco de Mayo,
dedicated food truck locations across the city, and yes, a community swimming
What can be done to create more opportunities for our youth to serve
in Midvale?
Our kids need more to do. We have programs in Midvale,
but theyre not always advertised effectively. We have a youth ambassador
program in Midvale City that should be creating our next generation of
civic leaders. We have youth sports that are well attended, and the Tyler
Library is often running programs and events that could accommodate even
more kids. Our Boys & Girls Clubs also operates at or over capacity
and does a great job of reaching out to kids who literally have no other
place to go after school and give them a place to socialize and participate
in events with their peers. We need to find additional ways to reach out
to our Spanish-speaking neighbors and communities of color to be more
inclusive with our youth events and opportunities.
How do you plan to get better feedback from the residents in Midvale
I am as open and as accessible to the residents
in my district as any other member of council, and I take a lot of pride
in that fact. I will continue to listen to your feedback online, by phone,
by text, or by carrier pigeon if you want. I also want to utilize technology
that has existed for several years now to send out regular surveys and
requests for feedback to our residents via text and email.
Do you feel that community gardens are good for Midvale? Explain
why we should or shouldnt have them.
For so many reasons, community gardens are a good
idea. Ive advocated for them since I was elected, and Im so
thrilled that were finally moving on this idea now. Gardening is
fun, therapeutic, and it provides yet another opportunity to get outside
and meet your neighbors. This is a credit to everyone in the community
who organized and told us, your elected officials, that you want to see
community gardens across the city and are willing to put in the work to
make them a success.
If you dont win the election, what do you plan on doing to help
improve Midvale?
My focus will be on the revitalization of Main
Street. We are closer now to seeing actual change on Main Street than
weve been in the past 20 years, and I want to be involved in that
process whether its as a 2nd term councilmember or as a private
What would you do to make Midvale a safer place to live?
I could write a thousand words answering this question,
but Ill focus on three things. Most of the crime we see in Midvale
by volume are (mostly) non-violent property crimes like car break-ins,
theft from yards and garages, and burglary. As someone whose had his car
and garage broken into, these crimes may appear harmless on paper, but
they make a person feel extremely vulnerable and violated. Combating these
non-violent crimes takes effort from community members, the Unified Police,
and from victims themselves. If you see something suspicious or are the
victim of a crime, report it. If its reported, the police need to
respond quickly and effectively investigate it. In my opinion, because
these crimes are typically underreported, our police lack the data to
know where to best focus their efforts.
Two, the violent crime heat map in Midvale
City is entirely concentrated in two major areas, our State Street corridor
and our 7800 South corridor. It is my opinion that our problem businesses
specifically like Motel 6 and La Quinta Inn need to be closed by the city,
and I have advocated for this for nearly 4 years. When we have one or
two businesses accounting for most of the murders, stabbings, shootings,
methamphetamine contaminations, and deceased children, we simply cannot
allow that kind of public health and public safety concern to continue
operating. With our skyrocketing UPD budgets year-after-year, we also
cant afford it.
Three, we need to provide our kids and young
adults with more productive and civic-minded things to do in Midvale so
that they avoid the temptation of gangs and gang violence. We need to
focus on mental health and substance abuse treatment for our chronically
unsheltered populations so they get the help they need, and we need to
create a better culture of respect, understanding, and cooperation between
our residents and our Unified Police officers.
What are some of the issues in your district and what do you have
planned to help resolve them?
Some of the biggest issues in my district have been
with pedestrian safety, speeding through neighborhoods, code enforcement,
and parking. Im happy to say that weve significantly addressed
pedestrian safety by putting in several new crosswalks on Center Street,
Main Street, and Bingham Junction Boulevard. I will continue to monitor
additional needs as our city inevitable grows and we place further emphasis
on walkability. Similarly, we were able to provide funding for traffic
calming devices in our biggest problem areas of the city, and the data
gained from these devices has indicated that speeding is down overall
(though there certainly are still speeders on the road and always will
be). Code enforcement will be an ongoing issue, but again, I think we
need to find additional opportunities for mutually beneficial outcomes
where they exist. Parking requirements are a very real issue with the
apartment, townhome, and condo communities that are being developed across
the city. I will continue to advocate for parking requirements that actually
provide for adequate resident parking.