Midvale City 2021
Mayor and City Council Elections

We wanted the people in Midvale City to get to know Bryant Brown better and so we asked him some questions. Below are the questions and his responses.

Councilman Brown,

As the elections get closer, we know it’s hard to reach out to everyone in Midvale and to discuss everything that’s on their minds. To help the residents of Midvale get to know you better we would like to ask you some questions about things that have been on the residents minds and we’ll be posting the answers on several Facebook pages that the residents use and on the LivingInMidvale.com website. Many candidates like to give the “canned” responses with quick and general answers, but we would like to hear how you really feel about the issues and how you plan to approach them.

Over the years, there have been a lot of high-density housing built. What is your feeling about this construction?
My voting record is "no" on a majority of the high-density rental projects. It is becoming a losing battle. Instead, I am directing staff to upgrade the code to at least improve what the projects will look like and improve functionality. The pedestal apartment complex is the worst. I have asked that they make sure there is a barrier between parking and the street to add retail space. Additionally, I will not back down on parking requirements and will lean into mix-use more and more. I will also work to find ways to encourage for sale units instead of rentals.

What plans do you have to help create green spaces in Midvale to offset all the high-density housing and large business buildings that are currently being built?
Greenspace is a catchphrase that does not appeal to me as it is currently stated within the code. I have, and will, push for greenspace to be functional. Now, a park strip is considered "green space." absurd. We need to require usable green space that isn't on top of a parking structure or unusable space.

With all the development in Midvale, many of the buildings and places in the City that reminded us of our history have started to disappear. What can be done to help preserve the rich history of Midvale?
I do not know if I agree with this statement. Main street is holding firm to maintaining its character. I do not know if anyone has the appetite to see any of Main street buildings removed. The two homes at the end of Main likely generated this question, and I do not know of any plans to remove them other than a developer considering it at one point.

The Midvale Museum has a new home, what are your plans to help promote the museum and give it the funding it needs to be a place where people can go to learn about our heritage and take pride in our City.
The Midvale museum is excellent. We financially supported the move and will continue to do so.

How have you already been involved in serving Midvale and its residents, if so, what have you done?
Since I have been on council, I have:
1 - Helped move the Utopia buildout forward by years.
2 - Worked to get pedestrian-activated crosswalks on center.
3 - Worked to get speed signs that announce your speed limit.
4 - Worked to get ADA ramps in my area long before they were required by law.
5 - Served two years on Midvale Elementary community council.
6 - Worked to get City Council broadcast electronically, long before the COVID requirements.

What do you have planned to help give Midvale a better image?
For Midvale to have a better image, the citizens need to believe in Midvale. Many of these questions suggest Midvale doesn't, or isn't, working towards a lot of new and exciting things. For instance, the next question discusses festivals and events on Main street. We blocked off Main street and had a concert. It was not the most well-attended concert. For Midvale to have a better image and have more events, the citizens need to be active participants in these events and believe in Midvale. I believe in Midvale. Everyone needs to believe in Midvale. Once we can accomplish this internal belief, we can worry about how others view Midvale. The City can and should double down its efforts to promote and market these events. 

Many people in Midvale would like to see events come back to the City, like blocking off Main Street for festivals, dances, social events, etc. What ideas do you have that can help bring back the old "small town" feel that Midvale once had?
We have plans for a holiday festival that may bring back the lighting of a tree ceremony. These are already in the works by the council. I will continue to support and push for more. The City needs to work on messaging these events to get the most engagement possible.

What can we do to make Midvale more of a destination location?
Midvale is a geographically small city in the middle of the valley. We can bring more people in by providing more food options and more entertainment. We already have the only top golf in Utah. We can do better at messaging Midvale's uniqueness. 

If you had a friend or relative visiting, what would be your favorite place to take them to in Midvale and why?
I would likely take them to top golf. It's a fun experience, and almost everyone enjoys it. Since it is the only one in Utah, it is something to brag about.

What ideas do you have to help bring art to Midvale's Main Street and surrounding areas?
The RDA board has actively been working on outdoor art murals for the main street and Bingham Junction areas. The old museum is likely going to be an art house. Main street has two theatres. The most significant way to accelerate art in Midvale is for current residence to go and partake of the current art.

What "out of the box" ideas do you have for Midvale that can help make it a unique place for people to come and help boost our economy and not just be another city in Utah?
Midvale is a unique town because many residences are multi-generational and take great pride in this fact. Midvale should work to improve its zoning to allow for those people to stay. We should not be following the rest of the zoning that is being adopted around the county. We should push for single-family conversions to modern homes. We should move for density to be unique and encourage ownership. I also think the City should lean into improving state street. Most cities in the county seem to forget or neglect the street. It would be great to enhance the image of state from Murray to Sandy and be an example to everyone what state street could be. Lastly, I would work on making some of our main roads more esthetically pleasing. I would like to see roads like Center with trees down the middle.

Describe, with specific examples, how you would expand and diversify Midvale's economy.
Midvale needs to improve its mixed-use abilities. The giant apartments can support ground-floor retail. It is criminal that the previous city council removed mixed-use requirements. I think adding this back into the equation will drastically help the City improve its economy.

How important are parks and trails to the City of Midvale?
Extremely important. I bring it up anytime development moves into Midvale and takes away open space. We recently discussed trails on the two canals that run through Midvale and also eventually looking at a trail along trax. I fully support both of these.

What can we do to improve the City's environment and parks?
Midvale does not have a lot of available acreage. Instead, we need to work at improving the programing in each park. This includes providing more amenities that fit the park and activities to draw people into the park.

Is the City too involved in what people can do with their homes/property? Why or why not?
City code enforcement should work with the citizens to uplift the City and its image. I do not think Midvale is overly aggressive on its policies, its just that they are outdated. We need the City to improve our zoning requirements to allow for modern homes.

Recently Midvale's code enforcement has been a hot topic because they won't respond to the residents emails and calls and when they do, the residents are treated rudely, and many of the residents have been issued violations for items that aren't violations or that code enforcement won't help them understand what the actual violation is. What do you have planned to help the residents in Midvale feel like they are listened to and not being attacked by code enforcement.
Code enforcement is a tough job. Neighbors call on neighbors all the time to complain. When code enforcement shows up to respond to those calls and do their job, they look like the "bad guys." I agree they should improve their messaging and response time. But I do think it's important that citizens realize a lot of the "tips" received by code enforcement come from a neighbor. I would also add that residence complaining about lack of code enforcement is the number one complaint I have received in the previous four years.

How can the city help strengthen neighborhoods and build the community?
Midvale needs to improve its relationship with the city staff and its residence, which is unfortunate. The staff works a lot harder than people realize, and the citizens are more connected than other cities' citizens. We need to work on bridging this gap so the City can live up to its potential.

What can be done to create more opportunities for our youth to serve in Midvale?
Midvale needs to provide a parks and rec department. Midvale needs to have its own programming in the parks to bring youth here. Right now, many kids leave our City to go to other cities' programs. We need to improve our efforts to keep them here.

How do you plan to get better feedback from the residents in Midvale City?
I have also been available online, in person, by phone, and virtually any other way possible. I will not change that in my second term.

Do you feel that community gardens are good for Midvale? Explain why we should or shouldn't have them.
I do think they are good. I have been asking for a garden since I have been on council. Gardens are great for the environment and even better for the soul.

If you don't win the election, what do you plan on doing to help improve Midvale?
It would seem unlikely for me to lose since I am running unopposed. However, I do not see myself running for a third term. After this term is up, who knows, maybe a mayoral run is needed.

What would you do to make Midvale a safer place to live?
We have got to get rid of the motel six. It's the most significant health and safety issue in Midvale. I won't believe that there is nothing Midvale can do. 

What are some of the issues in your district and what do you have planned to help resolve them?
We need to work on updating our code to allow homes to have a more modern layout. People want to stay in my district, but they also have growing families. Code is too restrictive to update homes, and so they leave. Before they do, they make the house livable for two families and rent it out. We need more people living in these homes that own them. I think we can do this by updating the code to allow more residence to update their homes. I also think we need to find a way to let other amenities or retail move into the district. 

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