Midvale City 2021
Mayor and City Council Elections

We wanted the people in Midvale City to get to know Amanda Hollingsworth better and so we asked him some questions. Below are the questions and his responses.


As the elections get closer, we know it’s hard to reach out to everyone in Midvale and to discuss everything that’s on their minds. To help the residents of Midvale get to know you better we would like to ask you some questions about things that have been on the residents minds and we’ll be posting the answers on several Facebook pages that the residents use and on the LivingInMidvale.com website. Many candidates like to give the “canned” responses with quick and general answers, but we would like to hear how you really feel about the issues and how you plan to approach them.

Over the years there have been a lot of high density housing built. What is your feeling about this construction?
There aren’t fast or easy solutions to the housing crisis we face. It’s going to take community involvement, local governments, the federal government, and businesses working together. Community involvement is crucial in crafting solutions that work for all of us. That means showing up at the voting booths and utilizing mail in ballots. It’s hard to expect the government to care about our concerns, when we don’t care enough to show up and address them for ourselves. You can fix that by voting and using your voice in your community. What can one mayor do to help housing in their city? I’d start by overhauling the zoning and city ordinances. We need mixed-use spaces under our apartments, we must require small community gardens, rooftop spaces , in addition to actual, functional, REAL greenspace in new commercial developments.

What plans do you have to help create green spaces in Midvale to offset all the high density housing and large business buildings that are currently being built?
Answered above. The current ‘green space’ ordinances and laws are laughable. We need to build communities that people want to live in for decades.

With all the development in Midvale, a lot of the buildings and places in the city that reminded us of our history have started to disappear. What can be done to help preserve the rich history of Midvale?
This gets tricky as land owners have their own rights. I believe Midvale Residents must work together and volunteer to help the associations who own historical buildings. If you care about the historical buildings in our community, please offer your time and donations.

The Midvale Museum has a new home, what are your plans to help promote the museum and give it the funding it needs to be a place where people can go to learn about our heritage and take pride in our city.
I will continue to provide the museum with the money they receive from our city. I’d like to hold events there, and encourage Midvale Residents to attend.

How have you already been involved in serving Midvale and its residents, if so, what have you done?
I’ve been in the community council for over three years, two years as chair. I’ve build an online community, Midvale Residents, that has more members than people that voted in the last Mayoral election. Because of my group, people are easily able to communicate with city employees, and their council member. My group is monitored by local police and the city, in fact the city receives many ideas on what the community actually wants: community gardens, removal of businesses like Motel 6, theft concerns, gang related issues, and safety issues. For example, I was able to get a cross walk installed on Center and Chapel street, after the city told me it was against the law to have a crosswalk in a school zone.

What do you have planned to help give Midvale a better image?
It’s important to have strong leadership that plans for costs to our ongoing infrastructure needs like basic water and roads. Additionally, I’d like to continue building a strong community, and make Midvale an arts district of Salt Lake County.

Many people in Midvale would like to see events come back to the city like blocking off Main Street for activities like festivals, dances, social events, etc. What ideas do you have that can help bring back the old “small town” feel that Midvale once had?
The redevelopment agency has a really wonderful plan. We just need leaders who care about Midvale Residents quality of life.

What can we do to make Midvale more of a destination location?
Our new city planner made a great point to me at a Community Council meeting. Midvale’s in the middle of everything, meaning that everything isn’t in Midvale. Tourists who visit Utah don’t have Midvale on their bucket list. Because we don’t have fantastic shopping, beautiful art, or stadiums. We don’t even have a pool. Residents from other cities don’t come to us for essential services like a hospital or airport. I see Midvale as an art destination. I see annual chalk walk events, inviting artists for murals, coordinating with local businesses who may want an art installation or mural on at their business. If we focus on making Midvale a walkable city of art, that will drive families to come to Midvale and spend time shopping in our community. It will bring tourists who want to experience local art. I believe it’s the best way to differentiate ourselves in the county.

If you had a friend or relative visiting, what would be your favorite place to take them to in Midvale and why?
I take friends to our park during the Harvest Day fireworks. Midvale puts on a fabulous show! If it’s not August, I still take them to the park as I’m fond of walking.

What ideas do you have to help bring art to Midvale’s Main Street and surrounding areas?
I believe I’ve answered this one. ;)

What “out of the box” ideas do you have for Midvale that can help make it a unique place for people to come and help boost our economy and not just be another city in Utah?

Describe, with specific examples, how you would expand and diversify Midvale’s economy.
Answered, we need zoning laws and ordinances to reflect the city image we intend to build.

How important are parks and trails to the city of Midvale?
As the city approved a massive development that will block Mountain Views from the Jordan River Trail, I would say the city doesn’t care at all. The pandemic has taught us how important outdoor space is, and we must utilize our parks and trails for the sake of our future. I’d like a similar set up as Murray Park with a musical park for children, and outdoor exercise equipment.

What can we do to improve the city’s environment and parks?
We can pick up after ourselves and others. We must also contact the Public Works department when we come across concerns. You are the eyes of the City.

Is the city too involved in what people can do with their homes/property? Why or why not?
The city prohibits dancing after certain hours. Yes, it seems to me residential owners have more restrictions than developers. I intend to change that by overhauling the zoning and ordinances.

Recently Midvale’s code enforcement has been a hot topic because they won’t respond to the residents emails and calls and when they do, the residents are treated rudely and many of the residents have been issued violations for items that aren’t violations or that code enforcement won’t help them understand what the actual violation is. What do you have planned to help the residents in Midvale feel like they are listened to and not being attacked by code enforcement.
This is a bit of a double edged sword, which I why I think building our community relations matter. We either help our fellow neighbors and help our community, or stay out of their business. It’s hard for me to think of increasing government oversight. I’d like to work with Midvale Residents, and code enforcement to build better relations.

How can the city help strengthen neighborhoods and build the community?
By listening and helping each other. Learn your neighbors names, get to know them. My neighbors and I share yards, gifts, and produce from our gardens.

What can be done to create more opportunities for our youth to serve in Midvale?
I agree it’s important for children to have service opportunities, but it’s very important to let children be children and PLAY. Humans learn so much through play! We need local sports programs, and better park amenities for kids.

How do you plan to get better feedback from the residents in Midvale City?
I’ve gotten a lot of feedback from Midvale Residents in the Facebook group, I’d like the opportunity to build a physical community in addition to a digital community.

Do you feel that community gardens are good for Midvale?
Yes, I’ve only heard the city discuss community gardens when residents bring it up on facebook. Gardening connects us to each other, and the earth. Gardening provides endless learning opportunities.

If you don’t win the election, what do you plan on doing to help improve Midvale?
I will continue to build an even better online community.

What would you do to make Midvale a safer place to live?
Build a community that cares about their neighbors.

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